Hi Everyone,

Have a read of Matthew 14:34-36.

(verse 35) says...

When the people recognized Jesus, the news of His arrival spread quickly throughout the whole area, and soon people were bringing. all their sick to be healed.

(Verse. 36 ) says

that all who touched Him were healed!

Note, first they recognized Jesus, then they started telling everyone.

Do we recognize who Jesus really is? That He is and has the answer to every problem we could possibly encounter.

The unsaved are just waiting for someone to help them and that someone is Jesus. So, if we know him then it's up to us to introduce them to Him.

Only Jesus is able to change a life, to make a message out of a mess and turn it into an amazing testimony!

Not us, not the government, not even our good deeds or programs, but only through the name of Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross can anyone be saved, delivered, and healed! (Romans 10:13, Acts 3:16)

Next, they spread the news throughout the whole area.

Are we spreading the good news everywhere we go?

Now have a read of John 4:28-30 and 41-42, this is about the woman and the well. When she recognized Jesus, she started telling everyone in the village and it says that many believed! 

Perhaps we need a fresh revelation of Who Jesus is and what He did on the cross and what it means to our lives and then go throughout the city telling everyone!

What if people started to line up on the Church steps to hear more about this Jesus that we are talking about? If they came to be healed, delivered from addictions, saved from the Kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God? (1 Peter 2:9)

Does it sound like a dream or a movie?

Remember "Nothing is impossible with God." (Luke-1:37)

More Scriptures Luke  2:17, Luke 8:39, Acts 3:16.

God bless you all and have a great week! 

Love Giovanna!