Hi Everyone,

I was listening to a song recently called “You Say” by Lauren Daigle. It’s quite a popular song and I'd heard it many times, but this day it got me thinking, “What does God say about me?”. So, I started searching the Scriptures and these are just a few things I found!

You see the way we live our lives is determined by how we see ourselves, but often we have believed the lies of Satan, 'the Father of lies' Jesus called him  (John 8.44), rather than the Truth of God’s Word!

When we start to live according to what God says then we can walk confidently, securely, peacefully and full of joy and that’s when the unsaved will say…” I want what you have!”.

So, here are a few things that I found, but there’s so much more!

God says….

Have a read through these Scriptures and see if you can find some more and then let’s walk with our heads held high because we are children of the Creator of the Universe! Wow, that is such an amazing thought!

And to think that He loves us so much that He was willing to sacrifice His Son Jesus Christ just to have us to be with Him for eternity is just beyond our understanding! All He wants is to have an intimate relationship with us!

Perhaps this is a good time to go back to our first love and allow the Holy Spirit to revive us again!  


God bless you all and have a great week!

Love Giovanna!