Hi Everyone,

If I were to ask you what plans you had for this new year you would probably think of a hundred things, but may I suggest one most important and priority before everything else? Our relationship with Jesus! To just abide in Him.

Read Luke 10:38-42. In this portion of scripture, we read that Mary was sitting at Jesus’ feet listening to Him and being fed by His every word.

Martha on the other hand was so distracted by worldly things, not bad things, she was more concerned about feeding the people with natural food, but Jesus was already feeding them with food that would last. When Martha got upset with her sister Jesus says…

“My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all the details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it and it will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:41-42)

You see when problems arise those who have neglected their time with the Lord will not cope well because their mind has been on the things of the world, but those who have been sitting at Jesus’ feet being filled will be able to withstand the storms of life and come out stronger.

So can I suggest, don’t be distracted so much with the things of the world, but allow God’s word to nourish you every day, let His presence saturate you, strengthen you and bring you peace! Allow His Holy Spirit to fill you daily and be more conscious of His presence in all you do and wherever you go. He will remind you of the word throughout the day whenever you need it.

With this troubled negative, insecure, everchanging world we are living in nothing is more important than to abide in Jesus!

“I AM in the Father, and you are in Me and I AM in you.” (John 14:20)

When we see it this way, we have nothing to fear or worry about. This is where our security, peace, joy and everything else is!

To abide and live in Him means not just visiting on a Sunday but to live there is to make it a lifestyle. When we do that, everything else that arises to trouble us will seem so insignificant compared with eternity. And in the end, our relationship with Him is all that matters because we can’t take any of our possessions with us into eternity! All that we worry about or work so hard to get is temporary, not wrong but should not be the priority. (2 Corinthians 4:17-18)

Why don’t we all say this prayer:

”Dear LORD, as we enter a new year I want to make a fresh start. I ask you Lord to help me hear Your voice clearly as I come away to just sit quietly in your presence. Help me take my eyes off myself and all the cares of this world and keep my eyes on You. Help me to develop a deeper relationship with You. I commit my life and this year into your faithful and loving hands. In the name of my Lord Jesus, Amen.”  

More Scriptures – Psalm 27:4, John 17:3, 6:68, Psalm 16:11, John 16:33, 14:27, Psalm 112:8, Hebrews 6:19, 2 Thessalonians 3:16, Colossians 3:16, Psalm 18:1, Isaiah 26:3, Proverbs 18:10, Psalm 32:7.  

God Bless you all and have a wonderful New Year!

Love Giovanna!